Utility for starting a remote system using WOL (Wake on LAN) and waiting for the system to boot by repeatedly attempting to connect to a given TCP port. Exits with status 0 when the connection succeeds, nonzero on error/timeout.
The MAC address may be provided on the command line or in DNS TXT records.
License: Public domain
Platform: POSIX C++
Functions for working with timespec structures.
License: Public domain
Platform: POSIX C99
This program can dump the segment table, relocation information, entry points, exported names, resource table, MZ/NE headers and imported names of the NE format executables used during the 16-bit Windows/DOS era.
License: 3-clause BSD
Platform: Little-endian ANSI C
Convert a binary format SID (Security Identifier) to an std::string, or return an empty string if the supplied data is invalid.
License: Public domain
Platform: C++
Compares a string to a glob expression, supports the usual * and ? characters as well as "#" for matching digits.
License: Public domain
Platform: ANSI C